Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Granny Do-Good Can't Spot Homework

What do you consider the main ideas of this week's lesson? Why?

The main idea of the lesson seems to be that making the educational process more relevant and approachable from the student standpoint sets the student up for success in the long run. There are proven statistics and studies that say that fun programs and games have a positive correlation with student success. The main goal is to introduce this concept to upcoming teachers so they write-off these kinds of software.

Explain which aspects of the the ARCS module you feel most – and least – comfortable with.

    I do find it interesting that the model seeks to address the issue of educational relevance in the classroom. Although, it will be difficult to satisfy everyone from designs that are introduced, there may always be a point of improvement to make something easier.

Describe a part of this week's readings/viewings that surprised you and explain why.

 The stereotypes of gaming being something on nerds or lazy people do should just be trashed. Gaming actually requires a lot of mental capability is some cases, even calculations that you don’t even know you’re doing in your head while you play. For example, my nephew is absolutely obsessed with Minecraft. He attempted to explain it to me one day and he was actually being so technical that it blew me away at only 9! The fact that a game can create such academic potential and functionality in a 9 year old convinces me that there truly is an educational benefit from these programs.